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2024 CA Redemption Value Fee
Jon Patch avatar
Written by Jon Patch
Updated over 11 months ago


Beginning in 2024, wineries will be required to pay a small recycling fee for every container of wine sold direct to consumers in California. The specific amount varies depending on the volume of the container, but most often it will be $0.10 per 750mL bottle.

More information from Cal Recycle here.

Optional CRV fee collection

The Offset platform now has support for CRV Fee collection for ecommerce and POS sales should you wish to collect these fees from your customers at the time of purchase. Please do note that while producers are required to pay these fees, they are not required to collect them from their customers.

This fee is not taxed and shows as a separate line item in checkout.

Steps to configure your account for CRV collection

Define the product type for your active products

This is a new field that has been added to Offset to allow you to define which of your products are wine, and eligible for this fee.

  1. To set the Product Type, go to your products page and Export Product Type

    1. This will download all Active, Inactive and Archived products

  2. Set the appropriate Product Type per product in the system.

    1. Supported Product Types are as follows (must be spelled exactly as listed)

      • Wine

      • General Merchandise

      • Food

      • Event

      • Tasting

      • Gift Card

      • Collateral

  3. No need to change any other information in the CSV only product_type will be updated.

  4. Save as MS-DOS CSV and upload the file via the "Import Product Type" option

Activate CRV fee collection

  • Enable CRV Fee Collection in Settings > States & Taxes and click Save

Update to your Website

  • At some point during your setup process, please message us at to let us know which account you are activating this feature for

  • We will need to push an update to your site so a dedicated CRV line item will be able show to your customers as they are checking out, in their receipts, order history, etc.

Fees per bottle size

  • The relevant fees per bottle size are managed globally by Offset

  • Assuming the bottle size for your products is correct, no action is needed on your part to define which fee should apply to a specific wine

  • The fees per bottle size are visible in the "Bottle Sizes & Cubing" section in Settings > Shipping

CRV exempt orders

If your account is configured to collect CRV fees by default and you wish to make a specific order exempt, you can do so by placing it as an admin order and selecting the "CRV Exempt" option in checkout.


Offset API support

  • Support for the CRV fee is available via our Reporting API

    • ca_redemption_value

ShipCompliant Integration Support

  • We are working on ShipCompliant API update that will be available by mid January so CRV fees can be tracked there

  • Once the update is ready, you should be able to push any pre-existing orders where CRV was collected and they will update properly in ShipCompliant

Reporting for CRV fees collected

  • If you are collecting CRV, you'll see a field for it in your relevant reports

Reporting for CRV fees owed

  • Regardless if wineries opt to collect these fees, Offset has a CRV report for fees owed to assist with determining how much to pay Cal Recycle every month


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