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Configure Order Channels, Cancellation Reasons, Source, Referral, Subgroup, Type, Deactivation, Inventory Update, Note Categories, Clubs Sign Up, and Club Cancellation.

Bobby Gibson avatar
Written by Bobby Gibson
Updated over 2 months ago

The Settings > Configurations page is where you can add options for a wide range of settings that will label order channels, customer details, product inventory, customer notes, and clubs.


Order Types / Channels

The Order Type / Channels are order labels that help you identify where the order was placed. This data appears in multiple places in the system. On the main Orders page, the Order Type appears as a prefix with the first letter of the assigned Order Type:

Example of an "A" Prefix on the orders page for Admin Order Types

You can also view the Channel on the order in the Order Details under Order Type.

The order_type column data is also visible on select order reports and exports which can can help you analyze sales or other data by channel.

To download select orders with order_type data, go to the Orders page, then filter and select the orders you want to export. Next, use the Choose an Action dropdown to download the Order Data or Order Totals Export in CSV format.

On the Reports & Data page, there are also two reports dedicated to the Order Type:

Accounting Report by Sales Channel & Payments

Allocation Report by Sales Channel

The Exports page also shows order_type data under Full Data Exports > Order Data > All Orders and Date Range Exports > Orders.

Order Type Options

Defaults Order Types

The predetermined Order Types are listed in the grey-shaded field and are not editable. The following types are stamped on the order under certain circumstances by default when orders are placed in a specific channel and can also be selected manually:

POS - Orders placed in the Point of Sale app

Admin - Orders placed by Offset admins

Offering - Orders placed in a customer-facing allocation offer

Web - Orders placed on a customer-facing web store

Club - Orders processed in a Club batch

Gift - Gift Card Orders placed on the website

User Entered Order Types

Users can attribute orders to a channel not listed in the defaults by adding additional Order Types. You must select these order types manually during admin order checkout or as a post-order edit. We recommend using this list for essential order types. Examples of additional order channels are Samples, Trade, Event, or Phone. Make sure to enter only one Order Type per line.

Add additional Order Type options

IMPORTANT: The Order Type's first letter shows in the order prefix. When adding additional types, try to vary the names so that you can easily identify the different order channels by the prefix. For example, if your order types are Web and Warehouse, all the orders will appear with a "W" prefix like W28477 which can make them harder to distinguish in the quick order view. Instead, try Web and Storehouse or Stockroom so you easily distinguish them from one another.

Order Cancellation Reasons

When an admin cancels an order, you can select from a pre-selected list of reasons to explain why the order was canceled. Some example reasons are Incorrect Order, Did Not Receive Wine, Changed Their Mind, or Incorrect Payment Method.


When a new customer signs up on the web or you add them as an admin, you can label their account with different kinds of acquisition information. This information can help you track and segment your customers throughout their journey with your brand. The information is selected upon signup and can be viewed or updated within the customer details. You can also view this information on the Customers page and in the customer export CSV.


The Source is a label for new or existing customer signups that describes the origin of the signup.

Default Source Options

The predetermined Source labels are listed in the grey-shaded field and are not editable. The following Source info is applied to the customer account under certain circumstances by default when the customer is added to a specific channel and can also be selected manually:

Internal - Admins add a new customer in Offset Commerce

Web - Customers join using the Website Sign Up form

Tasting Room - Admins add a new customer in the POS app

Custom Source Options

Add additional custom Source labels, and admin users can select them manually when adding a new customer or after the account is created. Examples of additional Source options are Industry or Event. Make sure to enter only one Source option per line.


The Referral is a label for new or existing customer signups that describes how they discovered your brand. This information can be useful for determining how customers are finding you or how any recent acquisition campaigns are working.

Default Referral Options

The predetermined Referral labels are listed in the grey-shaded field and are not editable. New customers can choose from the following Referral options when they join using your online form or admin users can select these options when they add a new customer.





Hotel/Other Winery

Social Media


Custom Source Options

Users can attribute a custom Referral source option not listed in the defaults by adding additional options. Examples of additional Referral options are Industry or Event. Make sure to enter only one Source option per line.

NOTE: Custom Referral sources can only be added manually by an admin when adding a new customer, or after the account is created.


Subgroups are customer account labels used to add more information for segmentation wherever you need some additional details. Options added in this field will be selectable in a customer account. While this feature is not specifically connected to the Groups functionality, it can complement the group assignment. For example, you can create subgroup names call out purchasing activity within a group like "Bronze," "Silver" and "Gold." So when you create your group segments, someone can be assigned to the "Mailing List" Group with a "Gold" Subgroup. When a space opens up in a higher Group tier, you can sort for the members with Gold Subgroups and elevate them to the next level.

Selecting a Subgroup assignment in a customer account

Customer Type

Customer types are labels that can help you classify new and existing customers by type. These labels can help you decide how to segment new customers. For example, some common types are Allocated, Mailing List, and Waiting List. You can set your Default Customer Type to Waiting List so you know they need to be added to an allocation or routed to a general mailing list. When you make changes, you can update their Type to Allocated, or add them to a Mailing List if they aren't ready for an allocation.

Account Deactivation Reasons

When deactivating an account, you can select from a list of common reasons why you would deactivate an account. The reasons will vary by organization, so you can add all the reasons you want to track to this field. The reasons will appear in the dropdown in a customer account when you select Actions > Deactivate Customer Account. Once selected this reason will display as a flag at the top of the customer details page and on the customer export in the deactivation_reason column. Some example options you could add are Non purchaser, Removal Request, Unsubscribed or Fraud/Scam.

Selecting a deactivation reason in a customer account


Inventory Update Reasons

When adjusting the Total Inventory for a product, you can select from a list of reasons to explain why you are making adjustments. Enter the options in this field so you can select them from a predetermined list at the time of the inventory adjustment and view this information in the note column of the Inventory Transactions export.

NOTE: The Inventory Locations feature must be enabled before you can log Inventory Update Reasons. We can enable Inventory Locations even if you only have one location. Please email [email protected] or message us in the chat and we can enable this feature for you.

Selecting an Inventory Update Reason when adjusting inventory levels


Customer Note Categories

Note categories are labels added to individual customer notes for segmentation and analysis when exporting notes. These can also call attention to the note within a customer account, especially in cases when you assign the Alert category, which highlights the note in red.

Default Note Categories

The predetermined Customer Note Categories are listed in the grey-shaded field and are not editable. You can select them manually when you add a note to an account:





Custom Note Categories

You can add additional categories for other types of notes you want to track.

IMPORTANT: When adding categories, keep it simple. Many CRM fields are already available for specific types of customer info in their account. You DO NOT need to create Note Categories for things like Spouse, Hobbies, Interests, Contact Preferences, etc., as there are already dedicated fields available for this information that you can view in the account and customer exports.

Selecting a note category when adding a customer Note.


Clubs Sign Up Type

Default Club Sign Up Types

The predetermined types are listed in the grey-shaded field are selected when adding a club and are not editable. You can select these options manually when you add a club to an account to track the origin of your signup for analysis.


Tasting Room


NOTE: The Web Club Sign Up Type is applied automatically when a customer signs up for a club on your website.

Custom Club Sign Up Types

Add additional types you want to track if you have additional sign up types. For example, Event, Social Media or Referral.

Cancellation Reasons (Clubs)

Default Club Cancellation Reasons

The predetermined cancellation reasons are listed in the grey-shaded field and are not editable. You can select these options manually when you cancel a club in a customer account and customers can select these options if cancelling online.

NOTE: The default club cancellation reasons are the only options that appear in the dropdown selection when a customer cancels their account online.



Too much wine



No longer interested


Selecting a cancellation reason when canceling a club membership online

Custom Club Cancellation Reasons

Add additional types you want to track when an admin cancels a club membership. These options are NOT visible to customers if they cancel on the website. Examples or additional cancellation reasons are Deceased, Too Many Declines, Changed to a difference Club, Gift Membership Expired or Shipping Costs.

Selecting a club cancellation reason as an admin within a customer account

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