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Customers (Settings)
Customers (Settings)
Bobby Gibson avatar
Written by Bobby Gibson
Updated over 3 months ago

The Settings > More > Customers page is where you can set customer default groups or types and recalculate customer lifetime values.

Default Customer Group

Your Default Customer Group section is where you determine the default groups that new members are assigned to when they complete the signup form on your website or join a Club. Before setting your default group, you will need to create a group on the Groups page.

During Standard Signup, new customers will be added to:

A Standard Signup is when a customer visits your website and submits the information on your signup form or an admin user creates a new customer. Use the dropdown selection to choose your desired default Group and all new signups using the signup form will be assigned to this default Group. You can select a different default group at any time and the new signups will be added to the newly selected group after the changes are saved.

Whether you have an Allocation group or general mailing list, we highly recommend you set a default group. You can use a generic name like Mailing List or New Sign Ups or even assign a tier level as it will help with customer segmentation in the future.

NOTE: If you have an active allocation available for the default group, this will allow customers to gain access to their allocation upon signup. This can create a "Welcome Offer" so that new signups can gain access to a special, introductory offer. You can also temporarily change this default setting during a seasonal offer to allow new customers immediate access to an allocation.

During Club Signup, new club customers will be added to:

A Club Signup is when a new or existing customer joins a club by completing the form on your club page or when an admin adds a club to an existing customer account. You can choose Club Assigned Group Only or Club Assigned Group + Default Group when a customer signs up.

Club Assigned Group Only

As the option suggests, this setting only assigns a customer to the club assigned group. You can set the club assigned group within each club by going to the Clubs page, selecting elipses to the right of the club, and choosing Edit Club Details. At the bottom of the page, you can select your desired group and Save Changes.

NOTE: If you plan to offer custom clubs, we highly recommend creating a group for each club, using the same names as your club tiers, and assigning the corresponding group for easy tracking.

Club Assigned Group + Default Group

When you choose this option, customers who sign up for the club will be added to the Standard Signup group and the Club Assigned Group. This is a good option if you have a general mailing list and you want to assign club members to those groups as well.

IMPORTANT: If you add a Club to an account as an admin, the account will only be added to the Club Assigned Group. You can add additional Groups in the Segments section of the customer account as needed.

Default Customer Type

A Customer Type is a type of tag you can use to segment different customers. Before assigning the Default Customer Type, you must first add your Customer Types on the Settings > Configurations page. Examples of customer types are Allocated, Mailing List, and Waiting List. Once the Customer Types are added, you can choose from the available options and save your changes.

Customer Lifetime Values

Recalculate (Button)

Lifetime Values are the sum of the subtotals for every customer order placed. This information appears in customer accounts as well as customer export spreadsheets. Occasionally customer lifetime values may need to be recalculated. For example, you may need to recalculate after you reassign orders from one account to another or when an Offset employee has helped you import or update orders. If you suspect the values are not adding up as expected, start by selecting the Recalculate button to see if the values are fixed. This is a quick, harmless process that recalculates the Cusotmer Lifetime Values for all accounts.

IMPORTANT: If the totals do not reflect the total spend after selecting the Recalculate button, please contact the support team for assistance.

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