The Content page is where you can manage messages and title content for customer accounts, the website, as well as the commerce pages. This tab is located on the Settings > Content page.
NOTE: Not all content areas are available to every site. We have provided examples of the most common places to find the content areas, but the display may vary. Please feel free to contact if you need assistance locating your messaging or if you want to enable certain content areas.
Top Banner Messaging
The Top Banner message shows on the top of the designated page and can be used for a promotion, announcement, or other call to action.
Banner Message
This is where you add the text of your message. You can use the formatting tools to customize the look of your message.
Enter the subdirectory for the page where you want the banner to appear. If you want the message to appear on your sign-up page where the URL is, type the subdirectory info along with the forward slashes on either side of the text into this field.
Example: /signup/
Display this banner message on your website (Toggle)
By selecting this toggle, as the title suggests, the Banner Message display can be turned on and off on your website.
Example of a Top Banner Message
Popup Messaging
The Popup messaging is a modal popup that appears on the designated page and can be used for a new product, event, or other call to action.
The title appears at the top of the pop-up modal.
The message appears below the title and can be left blank.
The CTA or "Call To Action" controls the button text.
Enter the subdirectory for the page where you want the button to direct your customer after it is clicked. If you want to send the customer the Gift Card page where the URL is, type the subdirectory info along with the forward slashes on either side of the text into this field.
Example: /giftcard/
Display this popup message on your homepage (Toggle)
By selecting the toggle, as the title suggests, the Popup Message display can be turned on and off on your website.
Example of the Popup Messaging modal
Menu / Offering / Sign Up / Login
The following fields allow you to configure the names for various spots in the navigation and page titles. If any of the fields are blank, then defaults are displayed. Anything entered in the fields will override the default titles. Locations of the titles, navigations, and buttons may vary on your website.
NOTE: When making changes to navigation titles and buttons, make sure to allow for a few minutes for the changes to be visible on your live site. If you are not seeing the changes, try refreshing your page or viewing your site in staging.
Menu Title
Navigation Title
This setting configures the names of the Menu navigation. The default name is Menu.
Offering Title
Offering Title
This setting configures the names of the Offering navigation. The default name is Offering. Some common examples of how this could be renamed are Allocation or Customize Your Club if you offer custom clubs.
Example of the Offering Title name changed to Customize Your Club
Sign Up Titles
Navigation Title
The Navigation Title for signup appears on the signup and login pages. On the login page, the name appears at the bottom to the right of the Are you new to YOUR WINERY NAME? message. It also appears in the top navigation of the signup page. The default name is Sign Up.
Navigation Title on the login page
Page Title
The Page Title for signup appears on your signup page above the signup form and message. The default name is Sign Up.
Button Title
The Button Title for signup appears on your signup page below the form under Consent. The default name is Sign Up.
Examples of the Signup Titles on the signup page
Login Titles
Navigation Title
The Navigation Title for login appears in navigation, which is typically at the top of your page in the upper right. The default name is Log In.
Example Navigation Title
Page Title
The Page Title for login appears on the sign in page and modal. The modal pops up with you select Log In on the top of your page in the upper right. It also appears on the login page above the email entry. The default name is Sign In.
Example Sign In Page Title on a modal
Example Sign In Page Title on the login Page.
Button Title
The Button Title for login appears on the log in page at the bottom of the page to the right of the Are you an existing customer of YOUR WINERY NAME? message. The default name is Sign In.
Example of the button title on the signup page
Sign Up
Sign Up Page Message
This message appears below the Page Title on the signup page. Use your brand voice to write an invitational message or call to action. You can also entice people to join by promoting upcoming releases, events, or perks.
Example of the Sign Up Page Message
These toggles allow you to enable or disable the various elements in your signup form.
IMPORTANT: All enabled fields are required by default. You can disable certain features by turning on the disable toggles.
Enable Salutation
Turning on this setting enables the Title dropdown selection where customers can choose from the various salutation options. This customer input appears as the Salutation or Title in customer accounts and .csv exports.
Enable Password
Turning on this setting enables the password field which new customers will need to fill out upon signup. This setting is highly recommended for the security of your customer's personal information.
Enable “Whom may we thank” with Referral Note
Turning on this setting enables the Whom may we thank for the introduction? radial select. This customer input appears as the Referral and Referral Note in customer accounts and .csv exports. The Referral Note will only appear data will only appear if the customer chooses Other and types in a response.
Disable Requirement for “Whom may we thank” and Referral Note
Turning on this setting disables the requirement for the “Whom may we thank” with Referral Note which allows cusotmers to sign up without making a selection.
Disable Mobile Phone
Turning on this setting removes the Mobile Phone and Text Message opt-in on the signup form.
Example of the Mobile Phone field
Enable Full Mailing Address
Turning on this setting enables the option for customers to enter their mailing address upon signup. Customers must check the box confirming Yes, I’d like to receive postal mail from YOUR WINERY NAME before entering their mailing address. This customer input appears as the Mailing Address in customer accounts and .csv exports
To update the Yes, I’d like to receive Postal Mail from YOUR WINERY NAME message, enter a new message in the field below the Require Mailing Address toggle.
NOTE: Some clients will enable the Mailing Address collection even though they don't plan to send any postal communications to customers. Collecting this consent gives you options for the future if you later decide to send postal mail. This data can also be useful for determining the geographical location of customers who joined your mailing list but have not yet entered their shipping or billing address.
Require Mailing Address
Turning on this setting enables the requirement for the Mailing Address which customers will need to complete before they sign up. The Mailing Address fields will automatically be visible on the form without having to select the opt-in checkbox.
IMPORTANT: You must enable the Enable Full Mailing Address option before selecting Require Mailing Address.
Enable Comments
This setting enables the comments field upon signup where cusotmers can enter a comment upon signup. The info they enter will populate the Sign Up Comments in a customer record which you can view within their profile or export in a customer CSV.
Comments Title
Entering a message in this field changes the title from the Comments default, to a title of your choosing. For example, you could change it to, "Please leave a comment" or ask for a more detailed question like, "What kinds of wine do you prefer?"
Make Comments Box Large
As the title suggests, this setting increases the size of the comments box to encourage a longer comment.
Disable Welcome Email to Customers
As the setting name suggests, turn on this toggle to disable the Sign Up Confirmation (Web) email so it doesn't send upon signup.
Enable Welcome Email Notification to Admins
When this setting is turned on, a notification will be sent to your Admin Email with the details of the new customer at the time of signup. The subject will be YOUR WINERY NAME sign-up notification. The email message includes the website URL where the customer signed up along with the name and email of the customer. We recommend enabling this setting so you can have a confirmation of signups. You may want to set up an email handling rule to place these notifications in a specific email folder so they don't overwhelm your inbox.
Example of the Welcome Email Notification to Admins
Enable Text Message Alerts (SlickText)
This enables the text opt-in checkbox and message under the Mobile Phone field on the signup form that says, Yes, I’d like to receive texts from YOUR WINERY NAME. By checking the box, they are opting into text messages which is a setting stored in the customer account settings. Customers who opt-in can receive text messages.
Example of the Enable Text Message Alerts (SlickText) opt in on the Sign Up form
This setting also enables the text message opt-in within the existing customer account pages. When an existing customer logs in, they will see an option to Enroll in Text Messaging by selecting the Opt in for Texts button.
Example of the Enroll in Text Messaging option on the customer account page
IMPORTANT: If you are integrated with SlickText, when a customer selects the opt-in checkbox and signs up, it will sync the customer's phone number and information to your SlickText account. This may trigger an SMS "Welcome" message to the customer.
Welcome Page Message
The welcome page appears after someone signs up for the first time on the welcome page. The message displays above the Access buttons. This message is a great opportunity to offer a warm welcome to new customers. You can write in very general terms or can be more specific showing upcoming releases and events. If you list, specific dates, make sure to keep them up to date.
NOTE: To view your welcome page message, you can sign up for a new account. If you have an existing account, you can log in and then add the subdirectory of /welcome/ to the end of your site URL. For example, if your website URL is, your welcome page URL would be
Welcome Page Message Extended
The welcome page message appears below the Access buttons when someone signs up for the first time on the welcome page.
Example of the Welcome Page Messages
Website Messaging
Sign In Page Message
This message appears on the pop-up modal below your Page Title when you select the Log In link to access your account. You can have a general welcome copy or plug events, and wines currently available, or save-the-date notices on upcoming releases, just as little reminders for your customers.
Example of the Sign In Page Message
Active Offering Message
When logged into your customer account during an active offer, this message displays under the Offering Title on the main account page. This message only appears when an offer is Active and the customer logs in within the Timeline set on the Group page. All group members see the same message, so keep the message brief and general.
Example of the Active Offering Message
Inactive Offering Message
When logged into your customer, this message displays under the Offering Title on the main account page when there are no active offers. This is a good place to market upcoming offers or let customers know when the releases are scheduled. Some clients use more general messages, for example, "Our wines are released in the Spring and the Fall." If you have the dates locked in, you can list specific dates.
Inactive Account Message
When a customer profile is deactivated this message will display when they log in to their Account page. Reasons for deactivating a customer account may vary by organization, so this message should explain why an account is deactivated or provide contact information so customers can reach out with any questions. For example, if you deactivate customer accounts because they haven't purchased in two years, then your message could say, "Your account has been deactivated due to inactivity. Please contact to reactivate your account."
Example of an Inactive Account Message in a customer account.
Footer Extended
This message appears in the footer of your website pages. The placement and formatting of the message may vary based on your site design. This is a good place to put an important announcement you want customers to see, but you don't necessarily want to be front and center on your site. For example, if you are not open to the public and you want customers to have a reminder, you can say "Your Winery Name is not open to the public."
Example of the Footer Extended text.
Inset Ad in Shop (Retail)
CUSTOM FEATURE: This is a custom feature that enables an ad on your Shop page. This feature is only suitable for clients that have large amounts of products available for sale in their shop. If you are interested in adding this feature to your retail shop or you would like to see some examples of how this feature is applied to different sites, please send an email to
Enable Ad in Shop
Toggle this switch so the Ad Insert will display on your website.
This title appears at the top of the Ad Insert. If you were promoting your wine club, you could put a message like "Join our wine club!"
The description appears below the title of your Ad Insert. This is where you can type your ad messaging. For example, "Our Syrah and Pinot clubs are some of the most exclusive in Napa Valley. Join today to gain access to exclusive wines only available directly from Offset."
Link URL
Enter the subdirectory for the page where you want the button at the bottom of the Ad Insert to direct your customers after they click. If you want to send the customer the Clubs page where the URL is, type the subdirectory info along with the forward slashes on either side of the text into this field.
Example: /clubs/
Link Text
This is the text that appears in the Add Insert button as a call to action.
Order Confirmation Messages
These messages appear on the checkout page after the customer places the order. The message will vary depending on where the order is placed. So if an order is placed on the Shop Page, it can have different messaging from the Offering Page. Entering a message in the text will override the default messaging and replace it with your customized text. An example of the default message text is shown below each field.
Example of the Order Confirmation Message
Cart Order Confirmation Message
This message appears on the order confirmation page after the customer completes an Open Cart order. Open Cart orders are placed on the public-facing Store or Shop page.
Offering Order Confirmation Message
This message appears on the order confirmation page after the customer completes an Offering order. Offering orders are placed on the private Allocation as assigned by the customer's designated segment. This same message appears for all groups.
IMPORTANT: If you want to set a customized message for a specific group, the Messaging > Purchase Confirmation Message field within the individual group setup will override this message.
Offering Wish Only Confirmation Message
This message appears on the order confirmation page after the customer completes an Offering "Wish Only" order. "Wish Only" orders have the same checkout process as Offering orders except there are only wishes in the cart, no outright purchases. This same message appears for all groups.
Membership Confirmation Message
This message appears on the confirmation page after checkout.
Checkout Notices
This message appears at the bottom of the checkout page. By default, this field contains the Prop65 warning as required by California law.
Example of the Notices that appear on the checkout page.
Wine Club Messaging
Wine Club Account Shipping & Billing Messaging
This message appears below the Membership page title when a customer is logged into their customer account. This is a good place to encourage customers to update their account information or keep them informed about upcoming processing dates.
NOTE: When sending out an email to members encouraging them to update their account billing and shipping, you can use the pre-auth link for Account Club Billing Link on the Settings > Marketing Links page to send customers to this page. Combined with an email, this message can reinforce your message.
Example of the Wine Club Account Shipping & Billing Messaging
Promote Joining Club Message (Account Page)
This message appears on the Account page when a customer is logged into their account. The customer logged in can not be a member of any clubs to see this promotional message. This message is an opportunity to market to existing customers who are not yet members, so you can grab their attention by highlighting exclusive benefits.
NOTE: Before the Club Messages will display on the Account page, you must first enable the turn on the Show Club Opt In setting on Account option on the Carts, Allocations & Clubs page.
Example of the Promote Joining Club Message (Account Page) message
Account Club Message for Members (Account Page)
This message appears on the Account page when an existing Club member is logged into their profile. You can market upcoming events and shipments or encourage members to keep their accounts up to date.
Customize Your Club Message Active
IMPORTANT: This feature is currently unavailable.
Customize Your Club Message Inactive
IMPORTANT: This feature is currently unavailable.
This is where you can enter information about your company's shipping policy and set expectations for your customers. Customers can view these details by selecting the Shipping & Billing link in the footer of your website which opens a modal. Sometimes, your site may link to the /shipping/ page instead of a pop-up modal.
You are welcome to use the verbiage already in place and tweak it to suit your specific needs or replace it entirely. You may want to run this by your fulfillment partners or legal team before publishing any changes.
NOTE: Many wineries list all the States they ship to or if it is not on the list, request that they contact you for more information about shipping to their State. You may want to mention the importance of adult signatures required for receiving wine shipments. You could also suggest shipping to an office address where people are at offices Monday to Friday from 8a-5p when most carriers deliver. If you hold shipments due to weather, wine-tasting visits, or pickup events these are also good things to add.
Example of a Shipping & Returns modal
Summer Shipping
Summer Shipping
When you populate this field, the message will display on your Shipping & Returns modal or page under the Seasonal Shipping title. While it is called "Summer Shipping" you can use this message to add any seasonal shipping policies as needed.
Summer Shipping message on the Shipping & Returns page
This is where you can enter information about your company's return policy and set expectations for your customers. Common scenarios you could address in your policy are how you handle corked bottles, damages or bottles opened six months or more after the customer receives the wines. Provide instructions for what customers should do with bottles they intend to return. There is some messaging already in place that you can build upon to suit your specific needs or replace entirely. You may want to run your message by your fulfillment partners or legal team before publishing any changes.
Customers can view these details by selecting the Shipping & Billing link in the footer of your website which opens a modal where you can view the returns towards the lower half of the modal. You can also view, your site may link to the /returns/ page instead of a pop-up modal.
Terms & Privacy Policy
IMPORTANT: The supplied Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy entered in the following fields are not legal advice and by using them you agree to this disclaimer.
The Terms & Privacy Policy links are located in the footer of your website. When you select the links, you can view the content in a pop-up modal. You can also view or share the individual pages by going to www.yourwineryname/terms/ or /privacy/.
Terms & Privacy Policy links in the footer of the site
Terms & Conditions
This is where you can enter information about your company's General Terms & Conditions. We highly recommend that you have your legal team review the Privacy Policy before your site goes live. Make sure to consider GDPR.
Privacy Policy
This is where you can enter information about your company's Privacy Policy. You are welcome to use the verbiage already in place and tweak it to suit your specific needs or replace it entirely. You may want to run this by your legal team before publishing any changes.