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Stripe: Payments (Billing & Payments)
Stripe: Payments (Billing & Payments)

Stripe, Company Bank Account, Deposit, Underwriting, Owners, Billing & Payments, Verify Account, Checking, Routing Number, Account Number

Bobby Gibson avatar
Written by Bobby Gibson
Updated over 2 months ago

The Settings > Stripe: Payments page, also known as Billing & Payments page, is the place to connect your business bank account to Stripe directly through our commerce platform. The options visible on this page will vary depending on whether you are just getting started or you have already entered your banking info. If you have already submitted your underwriting info, click this link to Enter Your Bank Account. If you are new to Offset, start by Connecting your Business Bank Account and Offset with Stripe.

Connecting your Business Bank Account and Offset with Stripe

CHECKING Accounts Only - Get Started

New clients, who have not completed the underwriting process will see a button at the top of the Billing & Payments page titled CHECKING Accounts Only - Get Started. Click this button when you are ready to enter your banking information and you will be redirected to Stripe's secure login to enter information about your business.

Selecting the CHECKING Accounts Only - Get Started button

Filling out the information is the first step in the underwriting process and is where you will enter banking and ownership details as well as contact information. Fill out every field and follow the instructions below each entry for guidance.

NOTE: Before you get started, gather your documents and information, including your Employer Identification Number (EIN), official business names, addresses, emails, and phone numbers, your business website URL, banking account numbers, routing numbers, contact information for the owner(s) of the account, and Social Security numbers.

IMPORTANT: Please be precise when entering these details to correspond EXACTLY with how your business naming appears on your IRS documents. Any deviation can lead to tax forms being delayed and fines. If you are unsure of the differences between the legal business name of the brand and the DBA, please contact members of your team before proceeding.

Tell us about your business

On the "Tell us about your business" page, you will provide information about your business such as the business name, EIN number, and business address to Stripe as part of their underwriting process.

Entering information about your business for Stripe

IMPORTANT: The “Business Name” is the name that matches your tax filing. Please be careful to enter the correct info if your Legal Business Name and your winery name (DBA) are different when filling out this banking information. If you enter this information differently than how you file with the IRS, it could lead to penalties, fines, or additional withholdings.

NOTE: If you need to retrieve more information or come back to this page at a later time, select the Save for Later button at the bottom of the page, and you can pick up where you left off.

Verify you represent this business

This section is where you enter your personal information to verify you, the person entering the information, represent the business.

Entering your personal information to verify you represent the business

Business owners

If you are not an owner, or you skipped entering the owners, this section is where you will enter information about your business owner(s).

Adding business owners

Review and submit

Once the information is entered, you will be asked to review and submit your entries before accepting the agreement. Click the Connected Account Agreement and Acquirer Disclosure to review the information before selecting Agree and Submit.

IMPORTANT: Before selecting Agree and Submit, make sure that all the information is accurate. Any inaccurate entries could delay the underwriting process. If any information is out of order, you may have an opportunity to resubmit as part of the process.

Reviewing and submitting your information to Stripe

Enter Your Bank Account

When you have entered your underwriting info or your account information has been reset by a member of the Offset team, you can enter your bank account information.

Company Bank Account Information (Secure)

Enter your Routing Number and Bank Account Number, then select the Save Account button. Once the account is saved, you will need to verify the account before you can receive payouts.

Entering your Routing Number and Bank Account number in Offset

Bank Account Verification

To verify your bank account is connected to Stripe, check your your bank account transactions frequently for two micro-deposits from Stripe. Both will be under $1 and will appear in your bank account within 1-2 business days after entering your bank account information.

Example of two small deposits as they appear in a Wells Fargo account

Once you identify the deposits, visit the Settings > Stripe: Payments (Billing & Payments) page in your Offset account and click the Verify Bank Account button.

Selecting Verify Bank Account in Offset

Next, enter the amount of those two micro-deposits in the First Amount and Second Amount fields. The order does not matter as you enter both amounts. When the info is entered select the Verify Account button.

Entering your two small deposits to verify your bank account with Stripe.

IMPORTANT: Don't guess the amounts! You only have three attempts to enter the correct amounts or you will need to resubmit your banking info and start the process all over again. These deposits will expire after a short period, so once you submit your banking info, make sure you are available to complete the process.

When the account is verified, you will see the message "Your bank account ending in XXXX has been securely saved."

With your account verified, you are ready to process orders.

Updating Your Bank Account

Do you need to change your bank account details? No problem!

We understand sometimes changes need to be made. If you need to change your current bank account and add a new one, please send a request to remove your current account to [email protected] or send us a message in the Intercom chat. Make sure to include the name of your company.

NOTE: Our team can only complete this request if it is submitted by a business owner or an employee with the authority to make this change. You are welcome to copy your business owners on your request so they can authorize the changes.

We will notify you when the account information has been cleared so that you can securely enter your new banking details and verify the deposits.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you enter the new account as soon as we notify you it has been removed. The deposits will continue to flow into your existing account until the new account information is added.

If you haven't already, please review the following information for Entering Your Bank Account and Bank Account Verification.

Payments: Start accepting online payments through Offset / Stripe (Secure)

In this section, you can find information about your current transaction fees and details about Stripe fees.

Credit Card Transaction Fees

The amounts listed here are the credit card transaction fees charged to your account for every CC transaction in Offset. Rates will vary by brand and are listed in the details of your signed proposal. You can also view examples of the pricing breakdown of the fees based on revenue tier by visiting the Platform Pricing page.


This section lists the amounts for Payouts (Bank Deposits), Refunds, Chargebacks, and Additional Fees, along with details of each fee.

Example of Credit Card Transaction Fees and Details.

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